Saturday 28 April 2018

Falkayn On Ivanhoe

David Falkayn converses with Rebo on Ivanhoe. See here.

Dull red sunlight slants through narrow windows;

flames crackle inside and wind booms outside;

smoke is acrid.

OK. Just three senses this time.

Falkayn and his companions cannot eat Ivanhoan food and need local help with transportation so they are in the same position as Nicholas van Rijn and his companions on Diomedes in The Man Who Counts. Falkayn is a young trainee so he is in the same position as Dominic Flandry on Starkad in Ensign Flandry.

Falkayn, apprenticed to Master Polesotechnician Martin Schuster, imagines himself as "...a Prometheus come to Larsum..." (p. 204) (For full reference, see the above link. For Prometheus, see the image.) Where is Larsum? (Addendum: It is on Ivanhoe. I took it to be a place in Greek mythology.)

Meanwhile, I need to eat Chinese food so I will be back later.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And the mention of Prometheus immediately brought to mind another story by Anderson, "The Little Monster," where the young Jerry Parker saved a band of Pithecanthropines from an attacking lion and was the bringer of fire to early men.

The problem in "The Three-Cornered Wheel" was more difficult, involving as it did ideas and beliefs about religion and theology held by the people of Larsum on the planet Ivanhoe.
