Sunday 8 April 2018

Sensory Experiences On Gwydion

"...waters tumbled and roared, molten in the sunlight...the wind blew chill and wet and smelling of salt. There were many gray sea birds in the sky."
-Poul Anderson, The Night Face IN Anderson, Flandry's Legacy (Riverdale, NY, 2012), pp. 541-660 AT III, p. 567.

Sound and sight. Felt chill and wetness. Smelled salt - and I think that it would be tasted in the air as well? Here, the four (or five) senses are presented very quickly in just a few sentences.

Anderson shows us colonized terrestroid planets like Gwydion but also many humanly uninhabitable planets and, in fact, Gwydion is due to give us a surprise.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think you are right, what Anderson called the smelling of salt is more accurately called "tasting." But, odor might also play a role.

Ditto, what you said about the surprise Gywdion will spring on us!
