Sunday 9 June 2024


Fire Time, X.

Some Ishtarians:

"...communicate across distances by whistling, and they've developed a music based on it." (p. 117)

Jill Conway, having adapted this music, sings, then whistles, to her guitar.

In the Canary Islands, there is a whistling language. When we visited there, some objects, like purses etc, were hidden in a restaurant. Then someone who had left and re-entered the room located the objects by understanding whistled directions.

OK, folks, it is time for me to travel to Preston for political reasons. There is a General Election going on here. Back in Lancaster later. Visit to Andrea on Tuesday. Gregson the following week. Visit to London soon. And so on.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

IIRC, either the Flock or the Fleet used whistlers for communicating the orders of commanders during battles in THE MAN WHO COUNTS.

After 14 years in power I think the Tories have become tired and stagnant. A spell as the Opposition would do them good as a new Labour gov't led by Sir Keir Starmer makes its own mistakes.

Ad astra! Sean

Jim Baerg said...

"Politicians, like diapers, should be changed frequently, and for much the same reason."

A Google search gets that it is MISattributed to Mark Twain.

S.M. Stirling said...

Though there's a substantial chance the Tories will be replaced by Farage's "Reform" party...

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Jim and Mr. Stirling!

Jim: Ha! Given the persistent rumors about how "Josip" has a problem not needing adult diapers that was perhaps an unfortunate choice of metaphor. One I agree with!

Mr. Stirling: I forgot about Nigel Farage. I know many UK conservatives are angry and disgusted with the Tories, or at least with the "wets" and party leaders. Because they led the Conservative Party away from their core principles and beliefs, and moved to the left. True blue Tories and supporters of Farage want an unabashedly British party not afraid to fight the left and the woke crazies.

Ad astra! Sean

Jim Baerg said...

You always seemed to use "Josip" to mean Biden, but the diaper rumors I heard were about Trump. Do you consider Trump or both to be the sort of incompetent Josip was in the Terran Empire stories?
BTW I wasn't thinking about those rumors when I wrote the comment.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Jim!

Bluntly, I despise the corrupt, bungling, senile, hypocritical Biden, a puppet of the leftist radicals surrounding him. "Josip" has managed to make the "real" Josip look good, which is amazing!

Yes, Trump, for all his faults, is better than "Josip," and many many Americans agrees. My preference would have been for Gov. Ron DeSantis as the GOP nominee.

Never saw anything about Trump needing adult diapers, only that it was "Josip" who has that problem.

Ad astra! Sean