Wednesday 12 June 2024

The Triad And The Endless

Fire Time, XII.

Ishtarians do not become fanatical and do not proselytize. Triadism gains converts by making sense. The three suns are literal or allegorical deities. Anu gives life. Ea, the Ember Star, is darkness, winter and death. Anu, the Rover, brings chaos and renewal. 

Death and Destruction, the latter necessary for renewal, are two of Neil Gaiman's seven Endless which are anthropomorphic personifications of aspects of consciousness. The seven are:

the elder three (Destiny, Death, Dream);
the twins (Desire, Despair);
Delirium that was Delight;
Destruction who has abandoned his realm although it continues without him.

And dreaming is a major part of Ishtarian religious practice because the Ishtarian forebrain can direct dreams creatively and artistically.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I take a sterner line, either believe God or pagan gods are actual, real beings or not at all. I can't take seriously suggestions we just take ideas about God/gods as mere allegories, fictions. Christ demands of us that we be either hot or cold, not lukewarm.

Ad astra! Sean