Saturday 8 June 2024

Peculiar Institutions

Fire Time, IX.

There are Ishtarian societies which:

alternate voting annually between males and females;
control population by combat to the death even between friends;
change spouses on a fixed schedule;
settle issues by random bone tossing;
do other things equally odd.

I suppose that, if something is possible, then someone somewhere will do it but how many? How viable are these odd societies? On Earth, military religious orders that never turned their backs on an enemy rarely fought another day. I read in a book on world religions by Ninian Smart that an Indian sect more ascetic than the Jains believed in liberating souls from reincarnation by practising celibacy and starving to death. That sect has not survived. 


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

We had similar sects in the US, such as the Shakers. They took our Lord's words about "some" being eunuchs for the kingdom of Heaven way too far and believed marriage and children should be renounced. It hardly needs to be said, but the Shakers have died out.

Ad astra! Sean

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Correction, I checked and there is one last Shaker congregation left, in the US state of Maine, with three members.

Ad astra! Sean