Tuesday 4 June 2024

Olaya's Documentary

Fire Time.

In Chapter II, Donald Conway advises Captain Dejerine to show Olaya's documentary about the background to the Earth-Naqsa War to the Ishtarian human colonists.

At the end of Chapter VII, Dejerine asks Jill Conway to help him to assemble an audience in Primavera for a tape that he would like to show.

Chapter VIII is Olaya's documentary. We remember that it includes Olaya's interview of a special guest, Gunnar Heim, but we will leave the rereading of the documentary until tomorrow, Wednesday. We have been told that the documentary is critical and objective and expresses varied viewpoints so what will we think?

Right now, we are watching TV coverage of current conflicts so it is good to escape into fiction. 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Another way of putting it is that the documentary is one of those infodumps typical of many SF books, wherein the author has to provide information needed for readers to make sense of the story. Some writers do it clumsily and awkwardly, others do not. Anderson handles infodumps better than many.

Ad astra! Sean