Wednesday 5 June 2024

More From Olaya's Documentary

Fire Time, VIII.

Fiction mirrors experience.

"(Joy tumultuous in Shanghai Welfare. Gigantic on a wallscreen, the image of a politician pledges solidarity with the gallant Eleutherians. He is himself wealthy, but he needs these votes.)" (p. 91)

"- no doubt about it. None whatsoever. The Naqsan League is behind these latest moves." (ibid.)

And hear the words of Gunnar Heim:

"Well, you tell me, Sr. Olaya. Why the hell is the Peace Authority, directed by the Parliament of the World Federation - what possible gain for the ordinary Earthman - why the hell are you underwriting Eleutherian imperialism? If the Eleutherians must conquer more territory, let them do it at their own risk." (pp. 99-100)

Go, Gunnar!

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I agree with Heim.

Ad astra! Sean