Saturday 8 June 2024

Master Mind

Fire Time, IX.

"'...if Commandant Larreka is right about a leader who has been uniting the wild folk for purposes that go beyond pillage.'" (p; 108)

Larreka has deduced the existence of Arnanak.

"'...I endeavoured to put myself in the minds of SPECTRE - or rather, for there is certainly a master mind behind all this, in the mind of the chief of SPECTRE: my opposite number, so to speak.'"
-Ian Fleming, Thunderball (London, 1961), 8, p. 63.

M has deduced the existence of Blofeld.

If the enemy is united and formidable, then someone formidable is uniting them! Blofeld became a series villain and a cinematic icon. Arnanak still could.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, but a bureaucracy like the Cheka/MVD/KGB/FSB (that last being what Russia now has) can outlive any number of their chiefs. But I grant some of those chiefs will be more effective than others.

I expressed skepticism in the past about how effective S.P.E.C.T.R.E could be once it attracted the concentrated, determined, and hostile attention of a powerful state.

Ad astra! Sean