Sunday 2 June 2024

Larreka And His Vice Commandant, Wolua

Fire Time, V.

"...two or three hundred years in service seemed to have made [Wolua's] thinking run in deep channels, not become free-ranging like Larreka's." (p. 46)

That sound like the reason why Larreka is commandant and Wolua is vice. There are two ways we can go with increasing age: deep channels or free-ranging. Which are you? Which am I? Which are our political leaders? Someone who thinks in very deep channels will just go deeper into them.

Can we make ourselves more free-ranging? Mostly, no. Mostly, we are just stuck with whatever kind of mental processes became established at a very early age. To encourage some measure of free-ranging, I suggest:

preparedness to consider alternatives instead of just to dismiss them out of hand;

regular practice of watching thoughts arise and pass without getting caught up in them - which is what we usually do. (This kind of non-attached watching takes some practice.)

Even Poul Anderson's throwaway remarks are profound.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Wolua's problem was, while not stupid or careless, he'd become too habituated to doing many things in predictable ways. Which a wily enemy familiar with him could take advantage of.

I like to hope I'm moderately "free ranging." I do read science fiction after all!

It's too easy to classify "Josip," neither deep channeled or free ranging!

Some things I will dismiss out of hand as patently false, such as socialism. Because that nonsense has been tried over and over and always failed. Usually bloodily!

Ad astra! Sean said...


We could go through that whole argument again but why bother?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I won't.

Ad astra! Sean said...


But you did by making these dismissive remarks.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Because socialism seriously and sincerely repels me, to use very mild language.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Then you are reopening the argument. Can't have it both ways.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!


Ad astra! Sean