Friday 7 June 2024

Hugo Danner And Jack Havig

Compare and contrast:

Gladiator by Philip Wylie
There Will Be Time by Poul Anderson

Anderson's Jack Havig finds a positive use for his power, time travel, whereas Wylie's Hugo Danner does not learn how to make good use of his powers of strength and speed. Danner is doomed. Havig is destined.

Superheroes are an offshoot of sf. Danner influenced Superman. (I think that the connection is clear.) Anderson did not make any input to the superhero genre but came close. For the main line of development, see here. See you in the funny papers.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I fear I had low brow tastes in comic books as a boy, being far more interested in the adventures of Donald Duck and his Uncle Scrooge McDuck! Superman never much appealed to me.

Ad astra! Sean