Tuesday 4 June 2024

Arnanak And Changing Viewpoints

Fire Time, VI.

The dauri partly resemble the goetic ecology in Operation Luna.

Arnanak recounts his dealings with the mysterious dauri and ends by saying:

"'I have spoken; and you will understand.'" (p. 59)

That phrase seems familiar yet, when I googled it, I was informed that there were no results for the phrase. However, my "Bing" comments that the phrase:

"...carries a sense of authority and finality. It implies that the speaker's words are definitive and must be heeded. It's often used to emphasize a decision or instruction."

If it is often used, then surely there should be some google results for it?

As expected, Chapter VI reverts to a human point of view but, unexpectedly, our viewpoint character is now Ian Sparling, chief engineer, who had appeared in Chapter III in conversation with Larreka, Mayor Hanshaw and Jill Conway when Larreka was the viewpoint character. Now, Sparling meets and converses with Jill and we see her from his point of view. A rich novel presents multiple viewpoints.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm reminded of how St. Augustine said something roughly similar in SERMON 131.10, where he mentioned how several councils sent their decrees condemning the Pelagian heresy to the Pope in Rome, for him to review, and were quickly sent back with his approval. Meaning that decisions of councils needed Papal approval to be valid.

Ad astra! Sean