Thursday 6 June 2024


Fire Time, VIII.

Let's take one more look at Gunnar Heim in the Olaya documentary. Remember that Heim is:

"...former Minister for Space and Naval Affairs for New Europe." (p. 95) 

So he might know what he is talking about. An Earth mission to the planet Mundamar had been bombed two years previously. Heim says:

"Sr. Olaya, that bombing was carried out by Eleutherian agents to provoke fury on Earth. Which it did." (p. 97)

This is all too familiar. People make this kind of accusation without any evidence because they assume that it must be true. The Eleutherians benefitted from the bombing, therefore they must have been responsible for it. What does Heim say when asked for evidence?

"I have it from friends in New European Intelligence. Naturally, your government isn't about to tell you." (ibid.)

The Federation covers up an attack on its own mission by fellow human beings? Maybe. How dishonest can interstellar politics become? And is New European Intelligence happy about Heim quoting them on this? 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Skulduggery of this kind is very plausible and has happened in real history. Just recall how the Serbian Black Hand, before the Sarajevo Assassination in 1914, had connections with the Serbian gov't. And the Serbian PM was plausibly suspected of knowing something big was going on.

Not in the least surprising, both in real life and fiction, human beings are competitive, aggressive, ambitious.

Ad astra! Sean