Thursday 30 November 2023

Dominic Flandry And Time Travel

Dominic Flandry would be able to get into the Time Patrol timeline only if he were taken far enough into the past, then brought forward into the other timeline. Such transferences must be rare.

I do not think that the Time Patrol has access to the inter-universal inn, the Old Phoenix. The Time Patrol series presupposes a single mutable timeline whereas the Old Phoenix stories presuppose many parallel timelines. On the face of it, these two metaphysical systems are incompatible although maybe there can be a megamultiverse where a few beings are able to enter any universe but most space-time travellers operate by a single set of laws that excludes other such sets. Thus, in Anderson's There Will Be Time, Jack Havig's experience is confined within a single immutable timeline. All these worlds exist in Poul Anderson's imagination.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think I agree. Maybe we should think of the "deleted" timelines of the Time Patrol stories as the parallel/alternate worlds the Old Phoenix inn links up to (the Technic series, the OPERATION books, THREE HEARTS AND THREE LIONS, and A MIDSUMMER TEMPEST). However, for some reason the Patrol timeline might not be accessible to the Old Phoenix.

Ad astra! Sean