Monday 13 November 2023

Cultural Differences


"The Night Face," III.

"'That other ship, which came in winter. The men aboard it also had - what did they name them - guns." (p. 569)

(No weapons: no word for them.)

"If she couldn't even visualize homicidal mania, how explain to her that sane, honorable men found sane, honorable reasons for hunting each other?" (p. 571)

(We also have a duty to question how often it really is sane and honourable.)

Elfavy's husband drowned and she dances for the sea; he is of the sea. She will also accompany an expedition as its dancer:

"'In what way does an expedition into the wilderness require a dancer?'
"'To dance for it,' said Elfavy. 'What else?'" (p. 572)

(Dancers dance.)

Wells' Time Traveller encounters the Eloi, then the Morlocks. The expedition to Gwydion encounters the Day Face, then the Night Face - which is harder to locate because it is within.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And Commander Max Abrams, an eminently sane and honorable man, would disagree with you.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Disagree with what exactly?
