Wednesday 22 November 2023

New Vixen And The Exiles

The Long Night.

In her interstitial note between "The Sharing of Flesh" and "Starfog," Sandra Miesel draws out and spells out details that are understated or implicit in the text of "Starfog." The planet Vixen, wrecked by invasion in Flandry's time, recovered, survived the Empire and founded a colony, New Vixen, which was still flourishing millennia later when descendants of rebels banished by Flandry re-contacted interstellar civilization. These two appropriate references to Dominic Flandry help to solidify the historical continuity.

Miesel adds her own poignant note to the narrative:

"Was any beacon bright enough to guide the exiles home?" (p. 241)

Turning the page, we begin to read "Starfog," set in a completely new phase of (post-)Technic history. 

Miesel concludes the volume with the familiar reflection that, just as the League and Empire have passed, so will the Commonalty.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I agree with Sandra Miesel. All merely human institutions will pass away. Albeit some will deserve to be remembered with honor.

Ad astra! Sean