Sunday 19 November 2023

In The Post-Imperial Age

In "A Tragedy of Errors," Roan Tom has settled on Kraken.

In "The Night Face," Nuevamerica has overthrown rule by Lochlann while the latter was in conflict with the Grand Alliance.

In "The Sharing of Flesh," Kraken and Nuevamerica are in the Allied Planets and there is a passing reference to Lochlann.

"Starfog" refers to events during the earlier Imperial age.

Stories set on different planets and in different periods are interconnected although each is an independent narrative and there are not enough of them.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, not enough is shown us of what happened after the Empire fell.

Ad astra! Sean

DaveShoup2MD said...

The mention of the "Grand Alliance" in "The Night Face" was interesting; wondered who/what that was supposed to be ... Don't think it was the same as Churchill's version. ;)

DaveShoup2MD said...

Paul - I asked this on a different post, and it may be a few pages back by now, but is there anything in "The Longest Voyage" that precludes including it in the "post-Collapse" set of Anderson's stories?

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Dave!

No, I don't think anything in "The Longest Voyage" connects it to the Technic series. Yes, the planet was colonized by humans whose civilization collapsed so badly some planets relapsed to barbarism. The most advanced nations of that story had rebuilt themselves up to a 16th century level of tech.

Ad astra! Sean

DaveShoup2MD said...

Sean - Might not "connect," but is there anything that "excludes"? ;)

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Dave!

Nothing "solid," maybe, except what little is said of the "Galactic" civilization alluded to does not seem very Technic.

Ad astra! Sean