Friday 3 November 2023


Nothing that has not been said before although it might bear some repetition.

"Margin of Profit" (1956) was the beginning of the Nicholas van Rijn series and thus also of the Polesotechnic League series which is part of the Technic History.

Trader To The Stars (1964) was the beginning of the Technic History book series. Introduced by Le Matelot, the volume collects three van Rijn stories, one of them introduced by a passage from "Margin of Profit."

The Van Rijn Method (2009) is the beginning of The Technic Civilization Saga which collects the entire Technic History. This volume includes "Margin of Profit," now revised and introduced by Hloch of Stormgate Choth on Avalon in the Domain of Ythri.

"Margin of Profit" has taken a strange, three-stage course but has finally been fully incorporated into the Technic History.

Another beginning is "The Saturn Game" (1981), introduced by Francis L. Minamoto of Apollo University Communications, Leyburg, Luna, which is chronologically the earliest Technic History instalment, therefore the opening story in The Van Rijn Method.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaur, Paul!

Then I should reread the original version of "Margin of Profit" as I recently did with "Warriors from Nowhere."

Anderson prefaced "The Star Plunderer" with an introduction similar to that of "The Saturn Game."

Ad astra! Sean