Tuesday 21 November 2023

Bright Noontide

Poul Anderson, The Long Night (New York, 1983).

Sandra Miesel's Prologue begins not in the Long Night but:

"In the bright noontide of the Polesotechnic League..." (p. 9)

She enthusiastically summarizes the activities of "...bold merchant-adventurers..." (ibid.) which allegedly spread:

"...across a whole spiral arm of Earth's galaxy and beyond." (ibid.)

Surely not that far? This is an example of different versions of a story differing in their details. Miesel mentions:

"The long lifespan of the era's greatest merchant prince, Nicholas van Rijn..." (pp. 9-10);

"...the shadows of institutional mortality..." (p. 10);



government corruption;

extra-terrestrial policies dictated by intervention, exploitation and expedience;

withering profits;

waning trade;

disrupted communications;

growing anarchy;

collapse of the Polesotechnic League;

the Time of Troubles;

the Baldic League;

the sack of Earth.

The Troubles are a precursor of the Long Night.

Miesel is not as free to extend the History as Hloch does but she more than adequately summarizes it.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

We do see mention somewhere of reports by explorers who went very far indeed during that bright noontide of the League. And Nicholas van Rijn planned to spend his old age making a truly long journey of exploration, perhaps even into the next galactic spiral arm.

Miesel was not stretching the "truth" too far!

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