Wednesday 15 November 2023

Caverns In Clouds

"The Night Face," VII.

"Rain cane the following afternoon, first thunderheads banked over Kolumkill like blue-black granite, lightning livid in their caverns..." (p. 602)

Where have we seen caverns in clouds before?

"Lightning blazed in [the cloud wall's] caverns."

"Lightning played through [those clouds'] caverns."
-Poul Anderson, "The Sorrow of Odin the Goth" IN Anderson, Time Patrol (Riverdale, NY, December 2010), pp. 333-465 AT 374, p. 463.

Dominic Flandry sees "...caverns beyond caverns..." in the Sky Cave nebula. See here.

In the "Starfog" of the Cloud Universe cluster, Daven Laure sees cliffs and grottoes.

There are probably more examples.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Ha! You beat me to mentioning those "caverns" seen by Flandry in HUNTERS OF THE SKY CAVE.

Ad astra! Sean

DaveShoup2MD said...

It's a nice metaphor; and although the "colorized" IR images from the JWST that NASA has distributed are just that, they do show very real phenomena ... Anderson's comparisons of such regions/locations/points in space to mountain ranges and canyon walls and caverns certainly helps the mind's eye envision what Anderson is imagining.

Can't think of a SF writer who doesn't have their favorite tropes or even cliches - "uber-nazis-by-another-name" come to mind (repeatedly, unfortunately); Anderson was far less of a sinner than most, actually. ;)