Thursday 5 October 2023


The Day Of Their Return, 8.

Ivar/Rolf has killed a crag bull:

"'Good act, Rolf.' [Mikkal's] smile gleamed white in the thin face. 'We'll feast tonight.'
"'We've earned it.' Fraina laughed. 'Not that folk always get paid what's owing them, or don't get it swittled from them afterward.'
"'The trick is to be the swittler,' Mikkal said.
"Fraina's gaze fell tenderly on Ivar. 'Or to be smart enough to keep what you've been strong enough to earn,' she murmured.
"His heart knocked." (pp. 132-133)

On rereading, this passage is highly ironic. Fraina will persuade Ivar to let her keep his cash... Mikkal and Fraina will have Ivar cast out...

It transpires that it is psychologically impossible for outsiders to stay among the tinerans or even for the tinerans to avoid dishonesty and irrational violence among themselves - but they do not have to be quite so callous in their treatment of Ivar. He will become Firstman of Ilion and might be able to help the tinerans, having learned first hand what their problems are.


S.M. Stirling said...

Although they've probably not left him all that sympathetic. said...

Indeed. I think that there is something about him being concerned for them but I will have to find it.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, to Both!

Part of the problem was tinerans being addicted to ugly little telepathic animals capable of playing on their emotions. Capable of inflaming/exaggerating them. That did soften Ivar's feelings about the tinerans once he found out about those "lucks."

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

The 'lucks' exaggerate the tinerans cultural proclivities, but they don't -create- them. Many groups with the same characteristic are the type of group who set police anti-grifter squads vibrating when they show up.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I agree.

Ad astra! Sean