Saturday 14 October 2023

Dominic And Miriam Flandry

The Game of Empire, CHAPTER TWELVE.

This chapter is about none other than Dominic and Miriam Flandry. In particular, Sir Dominic analyses the Merseian attack on Gorrazan. The chapter will be reread closely but tomorrow. I have just summarized the adventures of Uroch above the surface of Gorrazan. Before that, I was part of a group visit to our Buddhist monastery, Throssel Hole, leaving home at 7:45 AM and arriving back at 6:00 PM. I will now relax with occasionally mentioned other reading, in this case Matt Helm.

Flandry is an intelligence operative whereas Helm, like Bond, is more of an assassin. The Helm films were parodies of the Bond films, not authentic dramatizations of the Helm books. Of course, what we want is Flandry films, in fact the whole Technic History from "The Saturn Game" to "Starfog," but what I want and what gets filmed are light-years apart. Good night.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Heck, I would be glad if we got merely a few well done Nicholas van Rijn and Dominic Flandry movies! I'm so tired of seemingly endless, stale rehashes of the STAR TREK, STAR WARS, and Indiana Jones films.

Ad astra! Sean
