Tuesday 10 October 2023

The New Team

The Game of Empire.

CHAPTER TWO informs us first that Targovi exists and secondly that he is an Imhotepan Tigery, a travelling tradesbeing and a part-time clandestine for Terran Naval Intelligence in the Patrician System. CHAPTER THREE adds that he is a son of Dragoika, whom we met in Ensign Flandry, and a friend of Diana Crowfeather, whom we met in CHAPTER ONE. Diana is the daughter of Dominic Flandry whom we met in Ensign Flandry. The series complexifies  as its instalments proliferate. When Targovi catches up with Diana, she is with Axor and here we have the beginning of a new team.

The Earlier Team (five instalments)
David Falkayn, human
Adzel, Wodenite
Chee Lan, Cynthian

The New Team (only one instalment)
Diana Crowfeather, human
Axor, Wodenite
Targovi, Tigery

They make a good team and it is unfortunate that we see them only once.

A further parallel is that both Wodenites have converted to a Terrestrial religion. The series displays both diversity and continuity.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

In his reply to the long letter I wrote to him about THE GAME OF EMPIRE, Anderson stated he was sorry to abandon Diana at the very beginning of her career. While I would have been glad if he had continued writing Technic stories I can see why he stopped. Anderson had said everything he wanted to say in that series, that it was time to move on to other ideas.

But one or two more Technic stories would have been great!

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

I remember laughing out loud at the bit about Adzel assuming his version of the lotus position...

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Ha! That was funny too! And mention was made of the bystanders being stunned with amazement!

Ad astra! Sean