Tuesday 31 October 2023

Cheap Manufacturing And Energy

"Margin of Profit," including its passage of historical reflection, was revised whereas "Territory," introduced by that passage, was not. Consequently, both versions of the passage are reproduced in The Technic Civilization Saga.

In the original version:

automation made manufacturing cheap;
proton converters made energy very cheap;
both gravity control and the hyperdrive made interstellar travel possible.

(This recalls James Blish explaining that antigravity, anti-agathics and the Germanium monetary standard made interstellar trade by flying cities possible.)

In the revised version:

automation and Solar System mineral wealth made most manufacturing cheap;
small, clean, simple fusion units made energy very cheap;
gravitics led to the hyperdrive;
the hyperdrive made interstellar travel possible.

Can this energy be stored? In any case, it is easily produced and very cheap.

1 comment:

DaveShoup2MD said...

Sure, you just need a set of Douglas-Martin sunpower screens.