Thursday 3 June 2021

Integration And Psychotechnics

In response to two recent combox questions -

Would Aristotelian logic suffice instead of "integration" in the Solar Union period of Poul Anderson's Psychotechnic History?

No, because logic is abstract reasoning whereas self-integration involves psychophysiological training.

Is the evacuation of Earth really a job for psychotechnicians?

Yes, because the prospect of evacuation might cause psychological or sociological problems.

The theme of psychotechnics as a science persists throughout this future history series. The Galactic psychotechnicians of "The Chapter Ends" are the remote successors of Valti, mentioned in "Marius," and of the Psychotechnic Institute, active in "The Sensitive Man," despite the suppression of the Institute in "Cold Victory."

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, but Wilson Pete had a problem or mystery to solve in "The Green Thumb." I would still argue that logical reasoning or analysis is the right tool for discovering the solution to a problem.

I concede that mass evacuation from anyplace can and very likely will. cause psychological and social problems. So psychotechnicians would probably be the right people to handle them.

Ad astra! Sean