Wednesday 30 June 2021


In Poul Anderson's Technic History, Tabitha Falkayn is a direct descendant of David Falkayn and, later, Max Abrams is from the planet Dayan whereas, in Anderson's Starfarers, Hanny Dayan is a direct descendant of Moshe Dayan. The Psychotechnic History has a Cosmic religion, the Technic History has Cosmenosists and Starfarers has Cosmosophists. (And Arthur C. Clarke's Rendezvous With Rama has the Church of Christ, Cosmonaut.)

In Starfarers, on a future colonized Mars:

Philo Pryor claimed to have found a device in a cave on Ascraeus Mons;
the Galactics had left the device to be found by a genius able to use it;
in Pryor's brain, quantum resonances pulsed, bringing forth manifestations from the Ones;
he received doctrines which the Synod of Interpreters of the Order of Received Cosmosophy translated into practical commandments;
Pryor was translated to a higher existence;
no other genius has yet come forward;
the device was placed in his tomb;
at the Martian northern summer solstice, the Order carries the device in procession for ceremonies in the Temple of Truth;
one year, as the procession passes, Hanny Dayan examines the device with scientific instruments;
she publishes her finding that the circuits in the device never did anything;
devout believers call her a liar.

Poul Anderson understood belief and self-deception.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The Church of Christ, COSMONAUT??? I am wonderstruck!

Hanny Dayan should have known better than to pick a fight with the Cosmosophists! All that did was to enrage fanatics who would try to kill her.

I've been trying to think of any analogous real world cult or sect comparable to Philo Pryor and Cosmosophy. The closest I can think of being L. Ron Hubbard and his Church of Scientology. And Hubbard was also an SF writer!

Ad astra! Sean