Sunday 6 June 2021

Seeds Of Time

Since John Wyndham has been mentioned twice recently, it is appropriate to add that both he and Poul Anderson belong on a list of authors of short but high quality works on the circular causality paradox:

"The Chronic Argonauts" by HG Wells;
"Stitch in Time" and "Chronoclasm" by John Wyndham;
"By His Bootstraps" and "All You Zombies" by Robert Heinlein;
"The Sorrow of Odin the Goth" and "Star of the Sea" by Poul Anderson.

For summaries of the first four of these works, see here.

Poul Anderson and Robert Heinlein also belong on a list of authors of novels on this paradox together with Tim Powers, Richard Matheson and Harry Harrison. See here and here.
Anderson, of course, appears more than once on both lists and also contributes a major series on the causality violation paradox.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And, IMO, the contributions written by Anderson were by far the best.

Altho not exactly relevant, I was reminded of L. Sprague De Camp's LEST DARKNESS FALL and THE WHEELS OF IF.

Ad astra! Sean