Tuesday 1 June 2021


Poul Anderson, "The Chapter Ends" IN Anderson, The Psychotechnic League, Volume 3 (Riverdale, NY, 2018), pp. 195-215.

Jorun of Fulkhis in the Galactic civilization is nearly a thousand years old. Kormt of Huerdar, Gerlaug's son, Speaker for Solis Township on Earth, is nearly two hundred which is "...old for a primitive untreated by medical science..." (p. 196)

Lifespans can be expected to increase unless society retrogresses. Last night, a TV report on the hundredth anniversary of the Tulsa massacre referred to survivors. Survivors? Yes, there was a 100 year old man and a 107 year old woman. We are on our way towards longer lifespans - and need to stop the massacres. "The Chapter Ends" shows a peaceful civilization - a long way in the future.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

WE would think anyone who was nearly two centuries old plenty old enough! Jorun of Fulkhis should have corrected himself a bit by thinking the medical science known on Earth was primitive compared to that of the "Galactics."

I can see human life spans being somewhat extended: most plausibly the modest thirty or forty years given by the antisenesecence of Anderson's Technic stories. But not the fantastic life spans of the Galactics of "The Chapter Ends."

Ad astra! Sean