Monday 14 September 2020

Alien Races

HG Wells' Selenites and Martians could coexist. Some future history series have many alien species but maybe two main ones? Heinlein's Future History has two sets of two: Martians and Venerians in the Solar System and two extra-solar races.

Poul Anderson's Technic History: Ythrians; Merseians.

Larry Niven's Known Space: kzinti; Puppeteers.

Star Trek: Vulcans; Klingons.

Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium: Moties; -?

Kzinti, Vulcans and Klingons are multi-authored. Ythrians and kzinti have each been imported to another series.

Knowing, for example, that kzinti have a low tolerance for sensory deprivation, insightful authors can draw novel conclusions:

"The walls here in this section of officer country were covered with holographic murals; a necessity, since kzinti were very vulnerable to sensory deprivation."

Similarly, an Ythrian ship must have large portholes, a large chamber for flying and no spacesuits. That large chamber also provides a cabin of appropriate size for a Wodenite.

Back to those murals: one shows two kzinti burying their muzzles in the belly of a giant turtle, as if we needed to be reminded of either Ythrian or kzinti eating habits. See Hunting.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

We have to expect the arts of non humans to have or include motifs many or most humans would not like. Including Kzinti methods of hunting and their versions of what passed for table manners!

And vice versa, of course.

Ad astra! Sean