Friday 25 September 2020

December Bleakness And Whooping Wind


The Shield Of Time, PART SIX, 1137 A.D.

Everard, Wanda and Volstrup are in an unaltered 1137 but with a beta alteration ahead of them. Their mood is:

" bleak as the December day outside." (p. 374)

The weather always obliges. I have found an image of Palermo with clouds instead of a blue sky.

When Volstrup agrees to answer Everard's questions, his reply is "...barely audible..." and:

"In the gloom his nutcracker face showed pale. Outside, wind whooped and a dash of rain blew from wolf-grey heaven." (p. 376)

The wind never lets up. A dash of rain could mean an approaching storm and a wolf-colored sky suggests a celestial menace.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

In a less competent writer this use of the winds and weather would have been clunky and obtrusive. But I don't that was true of Anderson's stories, including even the earliest.

Ad astra! Sean said...


I think that most readers are affected by the metaphors and pathetic fallacies without reflecting on them.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That was certainly the case with me, before I found this blog!

Ad astra! Sean