Sunday 27 September 2020

Inter-Textual Fiction

Rereading a Sherlock Holmes text, in this case The Hound Of The Baskervilles, is remarkably enjoyable and also enhances appreciation of Poul Anderson's "Time Patrol." Here are the ingredients:

hansom cabs in London streets;
a railway journey to a country station;
a mysterious death at an ancient estate;
something deadly from the past...
Remember that Mainwethering and the Patrol office are there in London. It is just that Conan Doyle does not happen to mention them...
I will return to The Hound... this evening and expect to finish The Shield Of Time, but not to exhaust Anderson's time travel fiction, some time tomorrow.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If there was a REAL Holmes in the Danellian timeline, WE must be in a divergent or "deleted" timeline where the Great Detective was a fiction.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Sean: the Patrol universe is, in a very low-key way, an alternate history.

This is something I noted long ago, and frankly imitated. Eg., in CONQUISTADOR, it's apparently our universe... but there are clues, like the fact that the Rolfe family (descended from Pocahontas and her English husband, John Rolfe) lived on in the male line rather than dying out.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

And you were more observant than I was! I merely enjoyed reading yours and Anderson's stories. And I HAD thought CONQUISTADOR began on OUR Earth, till you explained otherwise.

I do do my share of analyzing and commentary, first in the letters I wrote to Anderson himself and then in the guest essays I wrote which Paul so kindly pub. in his blog.

Ad astra! Sean