Friday 17 July 2020

A Pournelle Rapid-Fire Automatic


I am having some minor problems with the phrase, "'...a Pournelle rapid-fire automatic...'" (14, p. 99) Today, when I had reread the passage containing this phrase, I first searched the blog to check whether I had posted about it before. Yes. See:

Googling Words And Phrases

Secondly, had I googled the phrase? Yes. See the first link on the linked post. However, the google search had found only the text of this story, "Iron." Another minor problem is that, although the phrase occurs in Chapter 14, clicking on the link takes us to the beginning of Chapter 10 - but we can scroll down to 14 where the single word, "Pournelle," is highlighted.

Thirdly, I have just regoogled the phrase, "a Pournelle rapid-fire automatic," (inside inverted commas) and have found it here. This again is the text of "Iron," this time with the whole phrase highlighted. (And this time the link takes us to the right place in the text at least for now.) However, that is all that comes up. My blog post quoting the phrase should too. And I am no wiser as to whether this is a real gun so does anyone know?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think it's simpler to say Anderson wrote in that "Pournelle rapid-fire automatic" as both a compliment to Jerry Pournelle and an inside joke experienced SF fans would appreciate.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Yup, it was an in-joke. Jerry and Poul were friends -- they both lived in California and had known each other for decades. They went boating together, for instance.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I thought so! Including one boating trip where Anderson and Pournelle ran out of beer!

Ad astra! Sean