Friday 17 July 2020

Cold Rush


"...the thronging stars and the cold rush of the Milky Way." (15, p. 103)

As usual, I have linked the phrase, "Milky Way," to the "The Milky Way Thread" post. However, nowadays, I have to check whether this description has already been linked to the Thread. This time, when I searched the blog for the phrase, "the cold rush of the Milky Way," I found, after the Thread (see here, scroll down):

"frosty rush of Milky Way"
"the great curdled rush of the Milky Way"
the Milky Way as "a rush of cold silver"

- but I seem not to have logged "cold rush" before. Some day I might have found every Andersonian description of the Milky Way, at least in the texts to which I have access.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I would not be surprised if Anderson mentions the "frosty splendor of the Milky Way" in some of those uncollected or long obscure stories neither of us has managed to read.

Ad astra! Sean