Saturday 25 July 2020

The Ice River And A Cannibal Star

"Pele," 4.

A kzinti ship, the Strong Runner, is:

"...well off the galactic plane. The Ice River itself looked slightly different, against the background blackness of space." (p. 25)

This is yet another description of the Milky Way and, as such, warrants our attention.

The Strong Runner and the Wunderlander ship, the Freuchen, converge on the same destination which so far has been described only as "...the cannibal star." (2, p. 15)

The plot thickens and, unexpectedly, this adventure belongs to Tyra Nordbo and her new companions, not to the Saxtorphs and their crew.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

One of the things I remember about "Pele" was of how some of the Kzinti were coming to grips with the strange, to them, idea of abstract curiosity, of doing research for the sake of that research.

Ad astra! Sean