Tuesday 28 July 2020

Contributions And Interactions

In The Man-Kzin Wars (1988), "Iron" by Poul Anderson introduces Ulf Markham who dies at the end of this story.

In Man-Kzin Wars II (1989), "The Children's Hour" by Jerry Pournelle and SM Stirling:

introduces Haold Yarthkin-Schotmann and his Terran Bar in Munchen on Wunderland in the Alpha Centaurian System;

features Ulf Markham - because this story is set earlier than "Iron."

In Man-Kzin Wars III (1990), "Inconstant Star" by Poul Anderson includes a scene set inside Harold's Terran Bar.

If, like me, you get into the Man-Kzin Wars series by first reading Poul Anderson's contributions, then you might think that Anderson created Harold's Terran Bar. Careful chronological analysis of the texts becomes necessary.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It would be a good idea in the future for the Man/Kzin Wars stories to be recollected and republished in internal chronological order.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Jerry and I were riffing on the Bogart movie "Casablanca" when we invented Harold's Terran Bar. In fact, all our joint contributions to the Man-Kzin stories were based on Bogart movies.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Another reason for soon rereading yours and Pounelle's contributions to the Man/Kzin Wars!

Ad astra! Sean