Sunday 26 July 2020

"Glory To The Race!"

SM Stirling's Draka say, "Glory to the Race!" (see here) as does Ghrul-Captain when concluding his recorded statement of mission intent. ("Pele," 9, p. 61) We find some parallels between Klingons, kzinti, Merseians, Treens, Draka, Daleks, Wellsian Martians etc.

This evening, rereading "Pele," I found two points of interest but then searched the blog and confirmed that I had already posted about them. Some, although not all, repetition is avoided.

Craig Raden, lacking Tyra's extensive experience of kzinti, has unrealistic ideas about the possibility of scientific cooperation with them. That species at that stage of its social development can only resist cooperation, reject help and aim to monopolize scientific knowledge hopefully for its military applications.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It's not just the "stage" of society they have which is the problem with the Kzinti. Rather, it's how Kzinti naturally think and act, derived as it was from their GESTALT and instincts, drives, desires, etc., which makes them what they are. Additionally, I recollect reading in one of the Man/Kzin Wars stories that the Patriarchy had existed for fifty thousand Earth years by the time it reached Known Space. All this makes it highly unlikely the Kzinti would willingly become a peaceful people.

Ad astra! Sean said...


I have finished rereading "Pele" over breakfast and there will be plenty to post about later today.

Next: other Man-Kzin Wars stories that are connected to Anderson's trilogy.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I look forward to those comments of yours!

Ad astra! Sean said...


Delays: other activities and a temporary modem shutdown, but I seem to be back in business.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Good! I use a tabletop PC. Which I prefer to a laptop.

Ad astra! Sean