Thursday 23 July 2020

Merseian And Kzin

Brechdan Ironrede:

"'Combat is a means to an end - the hegemony of our race. And that in turn is but a means to the highest end of all - absolute freedom for our race, to make of the galaxy what they will.'"
-Poul Anderson, Young Flandry IN Anderson, Young Flandry (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 1-192 AT CHAPTER THREE, p. 27.


"The real mockery came from the stars in the viewport, multitudes and majesty, a hunting ground unbounded. He bared fangs at them. We shall range among you yet, he vowed; we shall do with you what we will."
-"Inconstant Star," Chapter XIII, p. 261.

The Merseian has a personal name and a nickname whereas the kzin has a partial name.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I far prefer the humbler and more modest ambition of the Terran Empire, to be only large enough to defend the stars and peoples within its bounds. Such as Commander Abrams said, humans liked being top dogs in the Empire, but unlike the Merseians, they admitted other intelligent races had an equal right to exist.

The grandiose ambitions of the Merseians and Kzinti might have an emotional appeal, but they are also impossible fantasies!

Ad astra! Sean