Friday 31 July 2020

Theory And Practice II

See Theory And Practice.

I remembered Epsilon Korten, man of action and scholar of profundity, when reading:

"'...Chuut-Riit was another like that first Patriarch of all Kzin. He understood how to use the Conservor's knowledge; he had the warrior's and the sage's mind...'"
-"The Asteroid Queen," Chapter II, p. 60.

"'The humans must have either great luck, or more knowledge than is good, to have struck at us through [Chuut-Riit].'" (ibid.)

Human beings are better than kzinti at processing knowledge and literally have great luck as is demonstrated later in the Known Space future history.

We need men and women of action and knowledge who do not need to be warriors. How likely is it that we will be attacked by real world equivalents of Wells' Martians, Anderson's Merseians or Niven's kzinti? I think very unlikely but I suppose possible.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, it is not very likely we would be attacked by aggressive aliens, but not impossible. I have several alien invasion stories which has stuck in my mind: Wells' THE WAR OF THE WORLDS, Anderson's THE WAR OF TWO WORLDS, Niven/Pournelle's FOOTFALL, and Dickson's WAY OF THE PILGRIM.

Wells was the pioneer, but his successors wrote better alien invasion stories.

Ad astra! Sean