Friday 17 July 2020

Ways Of Passing The Time

"Iron," 12.

Ryan and Tregennis must wait in the Rover's saloon while Markham talks elsewhere with the partially named kzin, Hraou-Captain.

First, Ryan drains a liter of beer.

Secondly, he suggests "'...a round of gin...,'" (p. 88) by which he means gin rummy, a card game, not another drink.

Thirdly, Tregennis counter-suggests chess.

Fourthly, Ryan, unable in the circumstances to concentrate on chess, suggests screening a light, trashy show "'...with plenty of girls in it.'" (p. 89)

Fifthly, however, he asks whether Tregennis would prefer to read War and Peace.

They opt for girls. Men of many resources.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If I was going to meet somebody as dangerous as a hot tempered Kzin, I would think it wise to avoid any alcoholic drinks!

I would prefer to play chess, not card games. Altho Dominic Flandry could play both kinds of games.

Ad astra! Sean