Friday 7 June 2019

Into Battle II

Admiral Cajal's preparations for battle were discussed in Into Battle.

Two points that I missed then:

his Supernova-class superdreadnaught, Valenderay, is named after the supernova that had threatened Merseia in "Day of Burning";

whereas "Santa Fe" is Spanish for "Holy Faith," Cajal and his deceased wife had lived among the high trees of Vera Fe, "True Faith," on Nuevo Mexico.

Poul Anderson's History of Technic Civilization will cease to be worth rereading when it ceases to display all the rich background details that can be appreciated as if for the first time.

However, that is the last one for tonight.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I doubt Poul Anderson's Technic stories, or most of his other works, will get "worn out" any time soon! And I hope new readers will discover and read his stories with pleasure for centuries to come.
