Tuesday 9 April 2019

Twin Planets

Poul Anderson's "Among Thieves" is copyright Astounding Science Fiction, 1957, although the Acknowledgements list on p. 5 of Poul Anderson, Strangers From Earth (London, 1965) does not specify a month of publication.

"Among Thieves" is about the twin planets, Norstad and Ostarik. The cover of Astounding Science Fiction for January, 1957 (see image), illustrates James Blish's "Get Out Of My Sky" which, coincidentally, is about twin planets called Home and Rathe. I thought that "Rathe" was an anagram for "Earth," thus that both planets were analogs of Earth. However, Blish explained the names differently. See James Blish: Symbols And Anagrams.

I meant to post about "Among Thieves" but have gone off at a tangent.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Since "Among Thieves" was first pub. in 1957, that puts it at the tail end of what I've called Anderson's "early phase" (from 1947 to 1958. The story shows characteristics of both Anderson's early phase--when he was still learning, in many ways, how to write--and the fully mature and confident "tone" and style seen in his middle phase.
