Tuesday 9 April 2019

Flying Saucers

I can't handle all this material. In "A Question About Flying Saucers," here, I asked whether Poul Anderson had any. It then occurred to me to search the blog for "flying saucers" and I found UFOs. Then, searching the blog for "flying saucer" (singular) generated a longer search result. See here.

Meanwhile, Sean M. Brooks replied by referring to two Anderson stories:

"Peek! I See You!"
"When Half-Gods Go"

I have discussed "Peek!..." here and "When..." here and here.

OK. Maybe I should get back to rereading "Among Thieves." Two full-length books also require attention but my over-riding preoccupation has become: do they generate blog-worthy material?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And besides the two stories I brought your attention, I have wondered if Anderson wrote other tales touching on, about, or relating to UFOs and flying saucers.
