Tuesday 2 April 2019

Tau Zero And The Time Machine

While traveling futureward, the Time Traveler:

remains stationary on the Earth's surface;

becomes unaccountably invisible and intangible (the explanation given does not make sense);

experiences extreme time dilation while inaccurately describing this as acceleration through time.

While traveling through space, the Leonora Christine:

traverses billions of light years;

becomes contracted, massive and time dilated.

There are similarities between Wellsian time travel and relativistic space travel.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And even in a story as early and, it has to be admitted, rather crudely written as "Flight to Forever" (1950), Anderson gives us a more scientifically plausible explanation of how a stationary time machine could pass thru time.
