Thursday 4 April 2019

Planetary Designations II


Poul Anderson, "Horse Trader," see here.

Another envoy is from 70 Ophiuchi B I, the first planet outward from its sun, so maybe this is a very hot, Mercury-like, planet? Appropriately, its inhabitant:

"...looked rather like a medieval concept of a demon." (p. 280)

I do not think that extra-solar aliens should look like any human concept of anything. Certainly, half a dozen such aliens should not be easily comparable to any Terrestrial organisms, whether biological or mythological.

I infer that some constellations are too large for all of their stars to be designated by Greek letters and that, after omega, Roman numerals are used instead?

I must shortly leave my lap top and comfortable settee and venture out into the City of Lancaster to attend a meeting on the wretched BREXIT issue. I will be back here either later this evening or over breakfast tomorrow.


Anonymous said...


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

You already know my basic view, the UK would be far better if it left the EU. What GOOD is that bloated, top heavy, bureaucratic, and totally unaccountable organization?

My view, in addition, is that Theresa May has botched BREXIT. Instead of a quick, decisive exit under which the UK would trade with the rest of Europe under agreements she was already signatory to in the WTO, May's foot dragging and dishonesty has ended up getting every body in all parties angry. That has been what made BREXIT so toxic.
