Thursday 4 April 2019


Poul Anderson, "Horse Trader" IN Anderson, Space Folk (New York, 1989), pp. 261-303.

The title character of "Horse Trader" has to negotiate with 61 Cygni A, Tau Ceti and 70 Ophiuchi B. We recognize these as the names of stars. Each is identified by its position in a constellation and also by a letter if it is a member of a binary or multiple system. Anderson informs us that each of these stellar names is a "metonymy." (p. 263)

Each of the beings with whom the "Horse Trader" negotiates represents neither a star nor its entire planetary system but just one society on one planet of that star. Thus, a representative of the United Kingdom, the European Union or the United States, having arrived in the system of 61 Cygni A, might be metonymously described as "Sol."

One being is referred to as a "Centaurian" although he is from the clan of Brogu on the continent of Almerik on the planet Alpha Centauri B II, not from Alpha Centauri A III, which is also mentioned, let alone from Beta Centauri.

Centaurus is a constellation.
Alpha and Beta Centauri are stellar systems.
Alpha Centauri B is a star.
Alpha Centauri B II is a planet.
This "Centaurian" represents one tribe on one continent.

And so on.

Extra-solars might place Sol in a constellation as seen from their planet or might use some other system to classify stars. 

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