Thursday 4 April 2019

"Horse Trader" Revisited: Blog Excavation

I look through Poul Anderson's Space Folk - or is it Spacefolk? - for stories to reread and find "Horse Trader." Next, I check what I have already posted about this story:

Horse Trader
Horse Trader II

"Horse Trader II" links to:

Captive Of The Centaurianess

The combox of that post links to:

"Anderson's PLANET STORIES Tales" by Sean M. Brooks (see here)

Also in "Horse Trader II," I mention Anderson's use of the name, "Almerik," which I thought was a planet in a fantasy series. I now think that I was thinking of the single novel, Almuric by Robert E. Howard who wrote the more famous Conan series to which Anderson contributed Conan The Rebel. I am now rereading earlier posts on that novel with interest. One post on Conan The Rebel (here) mentions Almuric and links to posts on Anderson's very different first sf novel, Brain Wave.

There is an Almerac in DC Comics.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I actually looked up the links to "Captive of the Centaurianess" and my own article about the tales Anderson wrote for PLANET STORIES. One thought I had was that I liked "Captive" better than I had "Flight to the Future." Partly because by 1952, when he wrote "Captive," Anderson was writing better than he had in 1950 (when "Flight" was published). And "Captive" was FUN to read, which Anderson enough to justify writing a swash buckling pulp adventure story (wherein he also inverted some stereotypes favored by PS).

Sean said...

Maybe I will reread "Centaurianess" but I value "Flight to Forever" for its Wellsian time travel to the end and beyond.