Sunday 16 July 2023

Wind And Hawks


Dahut, XI, 2.

Tommaltach and a hooded Dahut walk in the countryside:

"Ys sank from sight. It was as if they had the world to themselves, they and the wind and a pair of hawks wheeling high above." (p. 242)


the omnipresent Andersonian wind;
hovering birds of prey;
Dahut beginning to lead her first young man astray.

In Chapter IX, Corentinus foreknew that:

"'If Dahut does not come to the Light, she will do such ill that it were better that she had died in her mother's womb.'" (7, p. 209)

That latter process is just beginning. It is all downhill from here.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Exactly! Dahut resolved to conspire against her father's life, to become a parricide.

Ad astra! Sean