Sunday 16 July 2023

The Passage Of Time, Continued


"Weather turned bitingly cold and clear." (XV, 3, p. 333)

"Snow returned, this time on a wind from the sea that cast it nearly level through the streets of Ys and drowned vision in whiteness." (5, p. 342)

"During the day snowfall ceased and freezing weather moved in. When day broke cloudless it saw what was rare in an Armorican winter, earth glittery white and a leafage of icicles aflash over the Wood of the King. Silence was so deep that it seemed to crackle, with any real sound barely skimming above." (XVI, 1, p. 347)

"The cold spell ended. Snow began to melt." (4, p. 366)

"Rain mingled with sleet dashed down the streets of Ys. Wind clamoured, Ocean roared. This had become a stormy year." (XVII, 1, p. 368)

"Waxing close to full in a sky gone again clear, the moon brightened dusk..." (3, p. 375)

"Clouds raced on a wild wind... The full moon seemed to flee..." (4, p. 380)

"A gale from the west drove an onslaught of rain before it." (XVIII, 3, p. 392)

"Suddenly came a quiet spell among those storms ramping over Armorica at that winter's close." (4, p. 394)

"The night when Gratillonius and his men camped at Maedraeacum was the first clear one of their homeward journey." (6, p. 406)

"Foul weather returned, and worsened." (7, p. 410)

"Still the wind mounted. By dawn it was like none that chronicles remembered. And still it mounted." (XIX, 2, p. 422)

"By sunset the wind had indeed lessened." (3, p. 428)

"By late morning, calm had fallen and the tide was out." (XX, p. 465)

This is a drama in itself but we have skipped past major events in Ys, to say the least.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Was Gratillonius returning from his audience with the Praetorian Prefect of the West? I would have thought that incident would interest you.

The Praetorian Prefects were no longer military officials commanding the long since abolished Praetorian Guards. Even before its abolition the Prefects had been assuming more and more civil functions, becoming de facto cabinet ministers. After the Guards abolition the office survived and became like a prime ministry under the Emperors.

Ad asrra! Sean said...


I skipped ahead for these references so I will come to Gratillonius' audience in due course.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If Gratillonius had remained directly in the Roman service might he have risen to become a Praetorian Prefect?

Ad astra! Sean