Thursday 20 July 2023


If we understand that a particular outcome is fated, then we notice with interest the many apparently random events that build toward it. If Gratillonius is destined to be the last King of Ys, then he cannot die in the Wood because, in that event, his challenger would immediately become King. Gratillonius will survive every challenge until Ys is no more. When he fights Budic, he is enraged by the latter's claim that Dahut is ready for him. This motivates Gratillonius to attack. He shouts, "Attention!," which momentarily immobilizes Budic. In an earlier fight, Carsa had climbed a tree and wielded his sling but Gratillonius threw his sword. That fight very nearly ended the wrong way.

An angel tells Corentinus that the King must live because the world will need him. The God Whom the angel serves is at last moving to supersede Mithras and the Three. A new world awaits in the following volume.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I don't think "fate" has to be inevitable. Any number of events could have ended differently, and thus change the final end of the story. It only seems inevitable afterwards as people try to make sense of what happened.

Ad astra! Sean