Friday 28 July 2023

After A Year


The Dog And The Wolf, VIII, 3.

"Full moon, the first after the spring equinox. More than a solar year had gone since Ys died, but the Queens had reckoned their holy times by the moon, and tonight was the lunar anniversary of the death." (p. 160)

Another seasonal reference and a definite indication of how much time has elapsed. There will be more. Somewhere later in this volume, it will have been three years. 

"Even rage against the Gods was unseemly for a man who had a man's work to do." (ibid.)

It is not quite relevant to say that some of us do not rage against the Gods because we do not believe in the Gods. We can rage against circumstances which is what is really meant here. And we have a responsibility to do what we can within the circumstances which are not of our choosing. I did not choose the education that I received but I did make sure that my daughter received a completely different one. Theists or atheists, we act.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Gratillonius was thinking, perhaps unconsciously, like a Stoic. Marcus Aurelius, in his MEDITATIONS, exhorted himself to always cultivate equanimity in the face of the struggles, troubles, and worries of life.

Ad astra! Sean