Thursday 20 July 2023

Last Look


Dahut, XII, 3.

"They reached the heights. Gratillonius drew rein. 'Stop a moment,' he suggested. 'Take your last look at Ys.'
"Rufinus sat a long while gazing back at the city where it gleamed against heaven and Ocean." (p. 275)

When we read this passage, we suspect and, when we have read to the end of this volume, we know that this is indeed Rufinus' last look at Ys. When he returns to Armorica and stands at this point, he will see only heaven and Ocean. There will be no towers, spires or sea-wall. All of that is to pass into legend even in the life-times of those who remember it.

I have not reread Dahut entirely because I have skipped past the sections set in Hivernia. These passages should now be reread en bloc especially since they involve Rufinus.

Gratillonius is no longer King but is still centurion and prefect. The man of duty continues to work for his people.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I'm still interested in Gratillonius' audience with the Praetorian Prefect of Gaul, another man of duty Gratillonius felt an instinctive bond of respect for.

Ad astra! Sean